Friday, 30 October 2015

The Complex Business of E-Waste Recycling

Check out our new blog post about

E-Waste Recycling business and its complexity on Storeboard

The Complex Business of E-Waste Recycling

Best Option for Disposing your Mobile

The need of Recycling and Disposal of Mobile Devices arises
when mobile user changes his previous cell phone for getting a new one and
through his previous one. There may be various reasons behind the buying of new
cell phones.
The mobile user can buy a new mobile phone, if his
old cell phone has completed its life.
He can do so, if some minor technical fault has
come in mobile
He can do so, if some major technical fault has
come in mobile
Or he can simply do so, because he loves to buy
new and trending cell phones.

Whatever, the reason behind getting new cell phone is not
the matter. The point, we are focusing here is that what to do with the
previous cell. The mobile user has different options

•             He may keep the both cell phones
•             He may give the old cell phone to someone else because he has the new one,
•             He may simply through the old one because it is useless for him now.
•             He may give it to some IT Asset Management Company who provides Mobile Devices Recycling and Disposal services.

If you are not finding an accurate person for granting your
old cell phone and your mobile is just a waste for you then the last option is
the best option for disposing of your mobile. Mobile phones may contain lead,
copper, and other heavy metals or potentially toxic substances. If, we will not
dispose of it with caution then it can be fatal. The toxic material in the
mobile phone can badly harm the environment. So, it is better to call some IT
Asset Management company like iGlobal that offers safe and sound Mobile Devices
Recycling and Disposal services.

For further details please visit


or give us a call
Phone No:



Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The truth about e-waste: 10 things to know

People take the progress of technology for granted. They don’t know what it takes to develop a new, more sophisticated tech device and they certainly don’t think about where the malfunctioning or outdated electronic devices go when they are not used any more. According to the official statistics from the United Nations, there was more than 53 million tons of electronic waste created in 2014 alone. What is even worse, this amount grows for at least 15% each year because the lifespan of electronic devices is reduced. Despite these facts, it seems that the vast majority of people don’t know what e-waste is and what we should do with it. Here’s a list of things you should know about e-waste.

1.       What is considered e-waste?

Electronic waste or e-waste is a term used to describe all non-functional, obsolete and discarded electronic or electric devices that have electric elements of battery power. Some of the most common elements of e-waste include computers, cell phones, monitors, printers, radios, fridges etc.

2.       What happens to e-waste?

E-waste is handled in few different ways. Unfortunately most of the e-waste today is disposed on landfills (especially in developing countries) where people buy it as scrap metal or burn it which leads to pollution. The good news is that e-waste recycling is becoming more and more popular.

3.       What are the benefits of proper disposal?

E-waste includes many toxic and dangerous elements, but it also contains valuable materials. A single device can have up to 60 different materials. If they are processed in the right way, the materials can be used again. Some of the harmful materials found in common electronic devices include lead, mercury, beryllium etc.  Valuable materials include silver, gold, copper etc.

4.       How can we use e-waste

The previously mentioned metals found in e-waste can be used for the production of the same of different devices if they are extracted and treated in the right way. This can be a very profitable business.

5.       Where to leave e-waste

As previously mentioned, the best place to leave e-waste is at recycling plants. Individuals and organizations can use the Internet to find the closest recycling plant in their area.

6.       How to find a reliable collector

Unfortunately, there are many e-waste recycling companies that are looking for fast profit and although they pose as recycling companies they actually ship the waste in developing countries. It is crucial to do some research before using the services of e-waste recycling plants.

7.       The laws related to e-waste are different and constantly changing

When we talk about the United States it is good to mention that the laws are different in each state and some states have stricter rules. It is also good to mention that these laws are changing so companies and individuals must follow these changes.

8.       Trade-ins are becoming quite popular

Many tech companies are promoting trade-ins. This is a good way to raise awareness of the importance of proper care of e-waste.

9.       Guiyu, China is the place with highest amount of e-waste

Dubbed as e-waste capital of the world, the city of Guiyu in China is literally covered with e-waste and similar wastes.

.   People lack information about e-waste

Many experts agree that the public doesn’t get enough information about e-waste which makes the situation worse. 

Ewaste Recycling

Many organizations face trouble in determining that how to handle the disposal of electronic waste. As it is a challenging task for any organization because govt. has made many rules and regulations regarding Electronic Waste Recycling. There are certain govt. policies on how and where to recycle electronics. Here is iGlobal Asset Management that works under the govt. recycling policies. It is associated with big companies that are certified to the highest standard of data disposal. 

Unfortunately, about half of the toxic materials and heavy metals found in US landfills come from electronic waste.  Our “Zero landfill Policy” ensures that electronic waste will not convert into toxic material neither will wind up in domestic and foreign landfills. We are working to make a green tomorrow. Our Electronic Waste Recycling services are equally available to individuals and large organizations like schools, colleges, universities, medical institutions, govt. institutions, laboratories etc.

day by day change in electronic technology leads the foundation of Electronic Waste Recycling. As when new change occurs in electronics technology then certainly the replacement of old electronic v/s new electronic takes place. When companies, organizations or individuals bring new electronic products like computers, printers, Computer Peripherals, televisions, VCRs, cell phones, fax machines, stereos, and electronic games etc then the need of dispose of Electronic Waste arises. So, we are here to provide you best Electronic Waste Recycling services in California, USA.

For more details contact us via


Phone No

You can also contact us for Electronic Waste Recycling services via



Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Waste Recycling Services - IGlobal Asset Management

Please check our latest blog on store board

Waste Recycling Services - IGlobal Asset Management

It will provide you excellent information regarding various recycling services. We are mainly focusing Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside San Bernardino, and Orange County areas. It is trustworthy recycling company in USA and is associated with companies that are certified to the highest standard of data disposal.